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Sigma Tau Chi Crest

75+1 Sigma Tau Chi Anniversary Reunion Recap

Writer's picture: David MorganDavid Morgan

Dear Brothers,

I would like to thank everyone for making the 75+1 Sigma Tau Chi Anniversary Reunion a tremendous success! Having over 200 Brothers, Wives, Pin-Mates, White Rose Queens and guests gathered for the weekend, to reminisce, reconnect, share stories and much laughter, was an incredible and memorable experience. It also demonstrates how strong the bonds of Brotherhood are that span the 76 years and many generations of Sigma Tau Chi. It is the people within the organization and the Brotherhood we all share, from the time we all pledged, no matter what era, that makes Sigma Tau Chi the best Fraternity in Oswego!

A significant amount of planning and coordination went into our event, and I would like to personally thank the STCAA and ALL that assisted with the many moving parts of the alumni reunion. We appreciate all feedback and welcome suggestions and assistance with future events. With the 80th Anniversary Reunion only 4 years away, the STCAA is always looking for more members to become directly involved with the Alumni Association. Please reach out to any of the STCAA officers or click here to contact us if you are interested.

The alumni reunion also functions as a significant fund-raising event to support the continued upkeep, restoration and improvement of our shared House of Blue. Your continued support of our Fraternity, through your generous donations and STCAA dues are much appreciated and will go directly into house improvements.

To provide financial transparency to our membership, I will share the costs of the 75+1 Alumni Reunion, along with the money collected for the event. Many of you have also paid your current, as well as past STCAA dues. A shout out to Brother Joe Kinsella, who “caught up” on 31 years of STCAA dues. Thanks Joe!

The cost of the weekend’s events was just over $16,500. I can provide an itemized list of expenses as needed. The tickets were $175 each in advance and $225 with guest or after the early payment deadline. Some of you donated more that the ticket price, others donated beer, thanks Brothers Ian Boni and Andy Gailey, and other beverages, thanks Chris Pawling. Unfortunately, some brothers who paid for the event, were unable to attend. Favors that were pre-ordered will be mailed to those who couldn’t attend or if we were short on your size.

As a result of our mutual efforts, we raised $17,600, That will go directly into the cost of necessary repairs and maintenance of our house. As many of you know, the North-facing wall and roof over the dance floor required a significant amount of renovation and repair, that began in the summer of 2021. Thanks to our contractor and honorary Brother, Joe Ruggio, major portions of the wall and roof were reconstructed, prior to winter 2022. However, there remains a lot of work to be done to complete the wall project, including the back of the kitchen area, installing the new columns and to repair the roofs near the Alligator and Presidential rooms.

Gathering at our house on the lake has helped STCAA and the Active community of Brothers gain momentum to move forward and to continue the traditions of the Sigma Tau Chi Fraternity. Many of you have shown your continued commitment and support of the STCAA through donations and paying current dues. The STCAA Alumni account has a current balance of $51,000. As I mentioned, other than the yearly alumni event, all proceeds in the STCAA alumni account go directly into the house. Your support, whether financial or volunteering your time and expertise on a project or event, is greatly appreciated! We are Brothers All!

Yours in Brotherhood,

Dave Morgan, F ‘82

STCAA Alumni Treasurer

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